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Ruby Tuesday – May I Bore You With Yet Another Barn? March 15, 2010

Posted by littlebangtheory in Ruby Tuesday!.
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OK, a portion of a barn, used for storage on a North Adams property which bills itself as “The Art Capital of The World:”

Not a typical New England barn, I know, the reds are wrong.  But I have to suppose that the claim of “Art Capitol of the World”  entitles one to take liberties.

And the dormant sumac will be revisited when it’s in leaf.

There’s more Rubiliciousness over at Work of the Poet, so go check it out!


1. maryt/theteach - March 16, 2010

Cunning Runt, I’m so glad I found you! I love your Ruby Tuesday post. The colors are Not wrong, they are perfect for posting!

Thank you for your limerick. You did a perfect, diplomatic job! Good luck and thank you for participating in RT and limerick writing! 🙂

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