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35% Screwed. March 12, 2010

Posted by littlebangtheory in Love and Death, Politics and Society.
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Today I learned that Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Massachusetts just raised my health care premium by 35%.

And being here in Massachusetts, I have no choice but to pay the piper; my state mandates health insurance coverage, whether or not one feels that they can afford it.

Yeah, that’s right.  “My” government has legislated that I buy this really shitty product from a for-profit industry which is making record profits off of my reluctant contributions.

How “shitty,” you ask?

Well, last Autumn I got an emergency MRI to diagnose a brain problem, and I’m still a long way from paying off my thousand dollar co-pay for a procedure which costs $120 in Europe.

So much for “insurance.”

And you, if the current “Health Care Reform Bill” passes, are about to be treated to the same Red Carpet treatment.

Don’t get me wrong here – we certainly need significant reform to our health care / health insurance system.

But it’s my firm belief that, as long as for-profit corporations are calling the shots in our health care system, we’re screwed.

By at least 35%.