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It’s A “Battle Royale!” August 5, 2007

Posted by littlebangtheory in Politics and Society.

Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen! Put your money down and enjoy The Big Event, an over-the-ropes grudge match featuring some of the Toughest Cookies in the Galaxy! On the bill for your short-term gratification:

Israel vs. Palestine

Sunni vs. Shiite

Blue States vs. Red States

Man vs. Nature

and finally, in a never-before-seen Spectacle of Biblical Proportions,


…well, maybe some of you read the book, but THIS IS THE REAL DEAL!!!

There will be no ties, no draws, no split decisions. The Meek shall Inherit a Bullet to the Back of the Head; to The Terrible and Mighty will go the Scorched Remains of an Uninhabitable Planet and an All Expense Paid Trip to Hell. *

(*…tax and license not included.)


How did it come to this? How have we allowed ourselves to so other each other that we’ve lost all empathy, all concern, all desire for DIALOG in service of finding and holding Common Ground? How is it that we’ve discarded all the important learning which went on in kindergarten, lessons about sharing and using our words and trying to understand how our behavior made the other kids feel? Weren’t any of those lessons worth holding onto???

Too many of us have bought the “All Or Nothing” model of Neoconflict Resolution. Problem is, when we get home and open the box, we find that the pieces don’t really fit. This is not my beautiful Prius – it’s another Bentley for the Filthy Fucking Rich.

It’s time for us all to step out of The Squared Circle, walk out of the arena and go pay a visit to our NRA-member Neighbor or our Republican Uncle, to sit down and talk about our common goals and shared dreams, to realize that we’re being played, used, fed to the beast of Unbridled Avarice.

Then we need to take it to the streets, not “this group” or “that group,” but all of us together as one voice, demanding the Rule of Law, reclaiming our Constitution, and showing the Rest of The World what real democracy looks like.

The REAL choice, my friends, is not “All Or Nothing;” it’s “Something or Nothing.”

And the time to choose is now!


1. Phydeaux Speaks - August 5, 2007


…except for the part when you used the phrase “Rest of The World”. The Otherness is so ingrained, we use it without realizing!

2. littlebangtheory - August 5, 2007

Point conceded, but with the caveat that no one else wants to play with us any more. They’ve all acknowledged and (wisely) backed away from the rift we’ve created.

I believe it now falls to us to heal our own divisions and begin moving in the right direction before we invite the world to rejoin us.

3. Phydeaux Speaks - August 5, 2007

I wasn’t slamming you, more of the old “Mr. Literal” about whom my friends sometime complain.

4. littlebangtheory - August 5, 2007

Thanks, no offense taken. I know you’re not like that.

5. boxer rebel - August 6, 2007

A brilliant post, cunning.

6. sherry - August 6, 2007

i like the post.

7. littlebangtheory - August 6, 2007

Thank You, BR&S. Some times these things fall out of me, some times they don’t . It’s nice to hear that my ramblings have made sense to someone else, but to be praised is an honor! 😉

8. DCup - August 6, 2007

Wow, C.R. just wow.

This is an excellent post and it hits the truth hard.

Divide and conquer has brought us to this place, hasn’t it?

9. TheCunningRunt - August 7, 2007

Yes it has, DC. And it’s only going to get worse as media consolidation escalates. And it falls to those of us who recognize the problem to begin the process of building bridges.

…And thanks for your kind words; they’re immensely flattering, coming from a thinker/writer of your talent!

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