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Lupines. May 31, 2012

Posted by littlebangtheory in Art and Nature.
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The lupine fields up in Hawley have come and gone, their transient blossoms buffeted by wind and beaten down by storms.  I saw them nearly  there, then went back with my camera to find them past their prime.

Still, I set up beneath threatening skies to shoot a few images before the heavens opened up, and just barely made it, though I spent a good while mopping things dry when I got back to the car.

These images are a bit rough; the light was low and the breeze had picked up in anticipation of the coming deluge, so I shot fast and low, bringing up the exposure in post-processing and losing the presence of a well-taken photograph.

Lupines in a Hawley meadow:

…along a country lane:

…and this shot, just as the skies opened up, of daisy fleabane peeking out from beneath sensitive ferns in the lupine patch:

The vibrance of the ferns was eye-catching, and the sky dramatic, even if the conditions were sub-optimal.

Oh well.  The blooms are past their peak, and my next opportunity will have a different calendar year attached to it.  But for now, these shots will have to do.

Thanks to Elliot for his contortions on short notice; he tilted and swung like a champion, and then sat patiently as I applied a variety of hand held graduated filters to tame the sky.




1. lisahgoldenl - June 1, 2012

So so beautiful. We can’t grow lupines here and I could never get them to grow in Illinois either. It deprived me of my turn as Miss Rumphius.

But this post makes up for it. 🙂

2. notakidding - June 1, 2012

They may be past their prime but they’re beautiful none the less. They grow like crazy up here.

3. littlebangtheory - June 1, 2012

Miss Rumphius! The impetus for and origin of my love of lupines!!! I think of sweet evenings reading this book to my little girls (or listening to Pagan Sphinx read, or to my precocious little ones read to us!) and my eyes tear up. It’s such a blessed part of my life. Thank you, Father Sky!

notakidding, welcome! And thanks for commenting. I’m assuming that you’re Down East from me, as lupines seem to do better as one moves northward from here. I’m a fan of granite coastlines and boreal forests, and hope to get up that way with camera in hand in the near future.

4. susancrow - June 3, 2012

They really are a delight to see leaping up from all the fresh greenery.

5. Stephanie - June 4, 2012

The lupines are lovely…even past their peak. All my attempts at growing them have resulted in aphids, aphids, aphids.

6. littlebangtheory - June 4, 2012

Susan, yes, it was almost tropically verdant, especially with being wet!

Stephanie, welcome, and thanks for commenting. 🙂 Are you in the Northwest? The climate there seems like it might be a bit dry inland, not cold enough on the coast, but perhaps ideal as one gains altitude on the West Side.

At any rate, I’m glad you liked the photos. And try sprinkling some diatomaceous earth on your succulent things. It needs to be applied after every substantial rain or it goes away, but it wreaks havoc with insect pests, like aphids and caterpillars. It’s a totally inert micro-abrasive and it’s organic, so I’m good with using it in my garden (people eat it daily to deal with intestinal parasites, it’s that benign to humans!)

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